i am a christian, ask me why :)

Dear Father,
Thank You for this simple gift that is to know to You, and able to write my thoughts down in simple English.

I pray that whatever I wrote in this blog recently and will write in the future will be benefiting those who read. I pray also that what they read, they will see no one but my true self.

Help me to remember what You are doing in my life, and this blog will serve as a reminder for me. Help also those who come here to see who You are to me and who we all are to You.

In Jesus' precious name I pray, Amen.

do not read this

if you don't have a strong heart,
or if you're in a very good mood,
or if you're already very troubled.

sometimes i wonder,
"do they really care?"
talking behind me or even infront of me,
saying they are discussing how can they help this person,
and not actually doing anything about it, i think it's just
sheer gossip hypocrite.

sorry to say that, cause
i'm putting a false front too,
i am not ok.
sometimes there were just too much to say,
that i don't know how to say.
"ask her share with us, she always say ok lo"
you might say that, but please kindly
and you'll get it.

excuse, self-pity, or whatever.
or you don't even know what i'm talking about.
exit from here.
i just wanna say what i'm feeling.
and it's quite very pathetic to say this in a blog, huh.

if you really care, show me, please.
i need them. and please,
don't just for the convenience of saying, tell me "pray"
i know! and i'm already doing so.
and oh! for goodness' sake,
let me know who you are.
don't give me names like annoymous,
very irritating!
i hope i'm not asking for too much,
i just wanna make some clarification.

if you don't, i'm very glad to say thanks,
your silence is being honoured.
you're still my friend.

don't be offended if you wanna help me after reading this,
and i'm not giving you a damn.
you're just not the person whom i trust.

please understand i'm not referring to everbody, but some.
i think i'm finished with what i wanna say.
thanks everyone for reading all these thoughts of mine.
i don't really expect many to even come this page,
let alone to read it.
till then.

writtern @3:50:00 PM

i want my

photo session !!
photo session !!
photo session !!
photo session !!
photo session !!
photo session !!
photo session !!
photo session !!
photo session !!

so bored~

writtern @3:16:00 AM


finished - those six lessons of typing! heh.

been feeling sucky for the past few days, not when im with my dear friends - sis/bro - sweethearts though. :p service wasnt over for long and i'm missing them already.

this is the message that i've received.
if it is what i thought, thanks, i can move on.
if not, u're gonna be the one getting the message.
gonna hurt, but it's like
a knife on the heart, would u choose to leave it there,
or pull it out?
i will and i can, do it.

and when my world is falling down
in U i will be found
i'm staying in Ur arms today

(and u shout) always!
always and forever~

writtern @4:36:00 AM

i am craving for ~

photos!! nice scenery nice people
sun!! tan
running/swimming/cycling!! i just crave for it
real laughter!! (:

writtern @5:09:00 AM


my apology.

writtern @8:21:00 AM