merry christmas to all!
this is my second attempt to tell people reading my blog about youth camp.
yeah! it was good. despite getting fourth, which is the last place, for tribal wars, it was great! especially when you know that our malay friend enjoyed himself in a christian camp, getting to know friends who would cheer for him. and also being able to stay united as a tribe, despite all the careless mistakes that we made during games and stuff. SIMEON is way too cool.
(yeah, starting with the yellow tee girl, monica, elaine, rochelle, jia min, mei ling, felicia, jeelian, eleanor, and moving back from the yellow tee guy, jonathan, joshua, shawn, ephraim, justin, keith, jun hao, joel. missing sufian)we even had pastor adrian and jack in the photo with us. yeah, those 2 that are not facing the camera. :P
(see the guy on the most far right, in fact The guy in the photo, he's sufian :))
yeah. Simeon rock!
& Culture too!
& God rules!
ok, here's the fun thing.
after camp, we had post camp gathering for the leaders and directors and pastors at joshua's house. we had this planned before camp ya. we were supposed to be someone's secret santa, meaning to buy that someone a present. i think i was so fooooortunate to be mr joses secret santa. to cut long story short, i managed to tricked him and a few other guys by the box i used for the gift. yeah, what a brilliant idea.

it's a mee sua box! with a red ribbon badly done by me. yeah, way to go smin! :D
oh, and my secret santa was ian, yeah! and he bought me a nice tee, double yeah!
(and i think i look like mr bean in this photo ):)
yeah, i think that's all for now.
good night!
woo hoo!
youth camp is finally here, finally!
i won't be online from wed to sat, so sms me!
for my dear friends who wish they could come for camp,
who wish to experience something extraordinary,
who wants to find answers to your life's most difficult question,
good news!
shang min would like to invite you to
for our night services
friday evening
6pm - 9.30pm
feel free to come, leave an sms to let me know if u're coming
i'll get back to u asap.
p/s: my tribe is gonna be the best
(Hillsong United)
You called my name
Reached out Your hand
Restored my life
And I was redeemed
The moment You entered my life
Amazing grace
Christ gave that day
My life was changed
Went from my shoulders
Fell the weight of my sin
So it’s with everything I am
I reach out for Your hand
The hope that changed a second chance I’ve gained
On You I throw my life
Casting all my fears aside
How could greater love than this
Ever possibly exist
Consume my thoughts
As I rest in You
I’m now in love with a Saviour
Bearing the marks of His love
So I wait upon You now
With my hands released to You
Where a little faith’s enough
To see mountains lift and move
Yeah I wait upon You now
Dedicated to Your will
To this love that will remain
A love that never fails
p/s: i need you.Labels: lyrics