i'm finally 19!
and panel review is finally over~! we really gotta buck up ya.
last night dinner with my dear EXL and pastor and directors and the 2nd tier leaders were great! i love my presents and i definitely love their companion.
waaa~ thanks for all the birthday wishes. i think there will be more to come :P
stay tuned for the photos!
see ya~
Subject: PD1 Panel Review Assessment on 31 July, Tues at 9am
Hi students,
The Panel Review will be held as above. The same review team will be looking at your projects. Please take note.
Let's have a trial run on Monday 30 July at 10 am for both groups.
Koh Siew Kheng | Lecturer | SoE/ECE
one question.
" The first one is serving (Revelation 22:3). Perhaps we'll explore an unknown corner of the universe, or, as C. S. Lewis suggests, govern a distant star. Whatever that service may entail, there will be no sense of inadequacy, no weakness, no weariness. In heaven we'll have minds and bodies equal to the task to which we're assigned.
The second activity is seeing: We "shall see His face" (v.4). "Now we see in a mirror, dimly" (1 Corinthians 13:12), but in heaven we shall see our Savior face to face, and we "shall be like Him" (1 John 3:2). This is what Revelation 22:4 means when it says,
"His name shall be on their foreheads." The name of God represents His perfect character, so to bear His name means to be like Him. In heaven we will never again struggle with sin but will reflect the beauty of His holiness forever.Finally, there is reigning. We shall serve our King by ruling and reigning with Him "forever and ever" (v.5)"[extracted from rbc.org]
"Jesus said, "You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only you shall serve" (Matthew 4:10). It's interesting to note that Jesus did not say praise and serve. Even the briefest examination of the word praise in the Bible quickly shows it's a verbal thing and that for the most part singing. Worship however is from the heart. Worship manifests itself in praise. Serving God is worship and Scripture is clear we will serve God in Heaven. "His servants will serve Him" (Revelation 22:3)."
[extracted from gotquestions.org] and i say, "oooooh :D"Labels: inspired

and it's so pain that i have to ask my classmate buy lunch for me.
neh heh.
so pain *pouts*